Defense Calibration, Testing & Inspection Services
• Accurate testing and calibration of military equipment is
crucial for the success of organizations like defense contractors and
government agencies.
Eurocaltech an accredited metrology laboratory, is a key
partner for defense-related organizations.
• Eurocaltech provides on-site calibration services,
including dimensional and physical calibrations, electronic and flow
measurements, and 3D scanning services.
• The company works closely with defense contractors to
provide electronic, Radio Frequency (RF), mechanical calibrations, dimensional
inspections, and 3D scanning services.
•Eurocaltech clients include BAE, General Dynamics, Triumph,
and other prominent contractors.
• The company offers NIST-Traceable Defense Equipment
Calibration Services, including on-site gage calibration for electrical, RF,
temperature, pressure, force measurement, and other sensitive equipment.
• The company provides both physical records and secure
online certificate management services, with online certifications available
for easy access and data consistency.
• The company offers inspection and dimensional validation
services, including third-party 2D and 3D dimensional testing, first article
testing and capability studies, PPAP, Gage R & R, laser scanning, and
contact and non-contact dimensional inspections.