Hydrotesting of Pressure hose, Pipes & Manifolds Pressure monitoring Service
Hydrostatic Pipeline Pressure Testing
• Hydrostatic pipeline pressure testing involves exposing a pipeline to water pressure levels above its normal operating pressure to identify faults or weaknesses.
• The process involves isolating the section of pipe to be tested and pumping water into it.
• The pressure of the pipe is monitored using remote data loggers and data management platforms like PIPE by Ant Hire Solutions.
• If structural problems are detected, the test is aborted and the compromised section of pipe is reported to the contractor or utility company.
• Properly tested pipelines reduce the risk of water shortages and lower future maintenance costs.
• Ant Hire Solutions offers three types of pressure tests: Type 1 for rigid pipe materials, Type 2 for polyethylene pipework, and 10-minute tests for polyethylene pipes.
• We provides industry-leading pressure testing equipment including pumps, data loggers, and accessories.